
Kindergarten Soft Start

Dear Kindergarten Parent,

Welcome to Nowlin!!! An exciting year is ahead for your entire family.  

Your child’s experience in  kindergarten establishes a great start for an exciting time of learning.    

Our shared goal is to ensure that this year begins as a productive and happy time.

This year we will be doing a “soft start” to the year which means for the first week of school your child will attend half days.

Soft Start Schedule

Kindergartners attend half day sessions from 8:35-11:45 for the first week of school-September 5th-8th.  All students have a half day on September 5th.  This half day schedule will allow for a gradual transition to school and will include lunch on the 6th-8th.

Additionally, kindergarten teachers will participate in professional learning time.

Professional Learning Time

All teachers of Young Fives and kindergarten students will participate in professional learning during the 17-18 school year.  Content is based on the state curriculum and includes language arts, math, science and social studies.  Additional areas of focus will be on social-emotional development, assessment and small group/1:1 instruction.

2017-2018 kindergarten calendar:  The district calendar is available on the districtwebsite.  Additionally, there are four days of “no school” for kindergarten and Young Five students.  These days are workdays for our Kindergarten teachers.   These days are:

No School Days for Kindergarten for 17-18

September 22, 2017

October 6, 2017

November 17th, 2017

February 2, 2018.

We understand that your family will need advance notice to ensure activities for your child on these four days.

We can’t wait to have your child be a part of the wonderful Nowlin family.

thank you,

Dr. Tynan

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