
Read At Home Program

Nowlin Elementary

“Read at Home Plan”

Our goal at Nowlin School is to ensure all of our students are successful at reading. The “Read at Home Plan” promotes engaging students and their families with reading on a daily basis. Below are the grade-level requirements for reading at home every day. We ask that you talk to your children about what they are reading each day. This daily routine will make a positive impact on your child’s success in school.

Grade Level Monthly Reading Expectations
KINDERGARTEN Read 10 – 15 minutes Monday – Friday and record the number of minutes, the date, and a parent signature. Reading logs will be in their book bag. They can read the books provided, any word work provided, and any other books at home.
FIRST Read 15 minutes Monday-Friday and record book title, amount of time read and parent signature on a monthly reading log. Reading logs will be collected at the end of the month.
SECOND Read 25-30 minutes each night and complete the reading log. Students will also answer response questions for fiction and nonfiction.(bookmark)
THIRD Read 25 minutes each night and complete the reading log (Due on Mondays) Reading Log
FOURTH Read 30 minutes each night (M-Th) and complete the reading log (due on Fridays)Reading Log
FIFTH Read 30 minutes each night and sign monthly sheet agreeing that the child has completed the requirement.


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