
5th Grade Orientation for OL Smith is May 8th at 6pm

Dear Future Viking Parents/Guardians,


We are excited about having your child attend O.L.Smith Middle School next year! In an effort to ensure your child’s transition to middle school is successful, you and your child are cordially invited to attend our annual 6th Grade Orientation on Wednesday, May 8th. The program will begin promptly at 6:00pm in the auditorium. This is a great opportunity for you and your child to learn all that O.L.Smith has to offer. After a brief presentation, you will meet our outstanding 6th grade teachers, tour the building, learn about the clubs & sports teams we offer and students will have an opportunity to practice opening locker. As parents, you will also learn about ways to get involved. Research indicates when teachers, students and parents all work together, students tend to perform at higher levels and have an enjoyable middle school experience.

It is highly recommended that you and your child attend this very important orientation.  All students who attend the orientation will receive a Viking T-shirt to show off at their elementary school the following day.

We look forward to meeting all of you on Wednesday, May 8th at 6:00pm.  Please feel free to contact Dr. Elder, our counselor at (313) 827-2812 for any questions or concerns.

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