
End of First Week

Good morning,

As the first week comes to an end, I want to thank everyone for helping us get the school year off to a relatively smooth start. Our enrollment numbers seem to be settling down (we will see after labor day) and classrooms appear to be finding their groove. The new lunch options seem to be a big hit with the students and we will continue to improve our options and pacing of food delivery. We received official approval for the renewal of our DSHINES grant this week. This grant will help fund the after school healthy kids club again this year and help us ensure that the garden, the students built, is sustainable. Also, Mr. Vigilante submitted a grant this week to have our black top areas repainted to offer more outdoor activities for students.

I want to thank the PTA for the hugely successful Ice Cream Social last night. The turnout was quite large and everyone appeared to have an enjoyable time. I think the PTA served 15 large pizzas within a half hour. We definitely have a hungry bunch of students.

One note of business, going into the second week, we will begin asking that parents no longer walk their children to the classroom and let them walk in the building with their class independently. We appreciate your help with enabling us to foster a sense of independence in your child.

Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to settling in for a strong academic year.

Dr. Tynan

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