
Monday’s post

Good evening,

I hope the post finds you and your family well. I was driving around the neighborhood today, delivering the chromebooks, and I saw many families out in their yards, walking, or riding their bicycles. It was a great sight to see. I do not know about you but I am thrilled to have a little reprieve from the gloomy weather that has been upon us.

As you may have heard or read in my previous posts, google meetings had some vulnerability and it has made us reevaluate the potential for misuse on that platform. The teachers will be switching to using the district’s ilearn platform and a platform called big blue button. The transition for families and staff should be relatively seamless. Many teachers have already made the transition. I am well aware that this is “just one more thing” but it truly should be pretty simple and will provide us a much safer remote learning experience. We are definitely experiencing many learning curves together.

Below is a video, created by Ms. Alward, explaining how to access ilearn. The video below that is on Big Blue Button. It likely provides more information than you need so stop when you’ve had enough. Additionally, the teachers will be walking you through the process.

Lastly, as stated previously, please do what you and your child are capable of doing. There are a multitude of options between the classroom teachers and the specials teachers. We are not here to add stress but too provide a continued remote education for your child. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us and let us know what you need.

Dr. Tynan

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