
Friday’s post

Good morning,

I hope this post finds you and your family well. What a beautiful day outside today and it is only supposed to get nicer so that is great news.

We are moving forward with the more secure remote learning. Honestly, I have found it lightly confusing but this may be due to my resistance to more change as we have had a lot in our lives. Now having made that statement, I have to say that I really like the new format. It provides the teachers a lot more control and it appears to make instruction and interaction for the students easier as well. Please give it a chance once your child’s teacher has it fully up and running. Thank you for your patience.

Please be aware that next week is teacher appreciation week. Please keep them in mind next week. I am sure they would love to hear from your child in some way. As you are aware, your child’s teacher has been doing a wonderful job trying to ensure you and your child’s needs are met while still taking care of their own needs. Personally, I feel our teachers have done an amazing job and I have never been more impressed or proud of the people that work with me. I feel we are truly lucky to have the staff that we have at our building. Their care for your child has truly shown through during this time period. It is quite obvious to me that you and your family are much more than a seat or just a student, you are part of their extended family!

Enjoy the weather and please continue to take safety precautions.

Dr. Tynan

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