
Thursday’s Post

Good afternoon,

I hope this post finds you and your family well. I also hope that Memorial weekend was enjoyable for all. We are now in the home stretch towards the end of the year. The teachers are actively packing their classes up and bagging any student supplies that need to be picked up.

We will be doing drop off for any outstanding library books or malfunctioning chromebooks the week of June 8th. At that time we will also be doing drive by pickups for any items that were left behind. More details will follow from myself and your child’s classroom teacher.

Here are the latest lessons from our partnership with Wayne State University:

Here are the links to this week’s content:

This is the link for the Elementary School Lessons in English

This is the link for the Elementary School Lessons in Arabic

This is the link for the Middle School Lessons in English

This is the link for the Middle School Lessons in Arabic

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