
Wednesday’s Post

Good afternoon,

I hope that this post finds you and your family doing well. The dates for student belonging pick up and book return will be on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Your child’s teacher will contact you for the time alotted for their class. Below are several announcement about food, our partnership with Wayne State, and a message from Candadian Pacific.

Summer Food Distribution

Free student meal distributions will continue throughout the summer at seven Dearborn Public School sites. The summer meal distribution will be once a week on Wednesdays starting June 17. Food will be handed out every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon at the seven locations.  Each bag will contain seven breakfasts and seven lunches for each child under the age of 18.  Each child will also get a half gallon of milk.

The distribution locations will continue to be Fordson, Dearborn and Edsel Ford high schools, Woodworth and Smith middle schools, Salina Intermediate, and McCollough/Unis School.

One person can pick up food for any child living in the home.  The child does not need to attend that school.

Wayne State Weekly Lessons

This is the link for the Elementary School Lessons in English

This is the link for the Elementary School Lessons in Arabic

This is the link for the Middle School Lessons in English

This is the link for the Middle School Lessons in Arabic

Message from Canadian Pacific

Since Canadian Pacific Police Service is unable to get into local community events and schools to provide rail safety education during these new and changing times, they are sharing some interactive on-line rail safety material for children and their families from Canadian Pacific Railroad.

With kids at home during COVID-19, we hope some time is taken to teach them about rail safety with the CP RailSense game featuring Cornelius the Conductor! This fun, interactive game teaches young kids all about being safe around tracks and trains. Once finished, kids can print their own Conductor badge to decorate! 

#CPRailSense #RailSafety #LookListenLive;!!Iww4!1KokOlFrX8RTvke9KIGTFniq5xve8cFLO3baHpne7BYI9cigLPoHzRg1nAVHw98ccaL-5oDHcqEfpw$

Kids and their family can also visit Operation Lifesaver for some additional kid friendly activities.

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