
Week Ahead

Good afternoon,

I hope this blog post finds you and your family well. Teachers have been receiving extensive training the past several days in preparation for the new school year. I am certain that there will be a couple hiccups but over all, the year should go fairly well. Once everyone has grown accustomed to the new program, Schoology, I am positive that it will be well received.

Teachers have begun reaching out to families today to set up time to come in next week and meet. Regardless of your day to come in, please know that school starts on Monday and will be a slow roll out. You will either have contact with your child’s teacher through in person, email, dojo, phone call or any of the aforementioned methods.

While teachers are contacting families, class lists will also be posted on the doors starting today at 3pm.

Please be patient as we roll out everything. This week will be a little lighter and then the week of September 5th we will be in full swing.

We have several wonderful new staff members I would like to introduce. Just because they are new to us does not mean they are new to teaching.

  • Ms Tatta – 4th grade
  • Ms Bar –  Social Work (extra)
  • Ms Martin – Speech (extra)
  • Ms Zoski – POHI Lower El
  • Ms Stewart – Art
  • Ms Murphy – Music

We are excited to have a nontraditional successful year with you and your child.

Dr. Tynan

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