
Monday’s post

Good afternoon,

I hope this post finds you and your family doing well. If you’re anything like my family, you are ready for a resolution to COVID and ready for school to be back in session. Regardless of what’s going on in the world we put the next foot forward and display a sense of hope not only for our own well being but more importantly for our children. Our children pick up on our energy so it is extremely important to display a sense of hope and a ”this too shall pass” demeanor.

In regards to school, we now are starting our third week (second with full days) and things are moving along. While I know we had a few technological bumps and that this is not ideal, we are really starting to find a groove. This is all because of the incredible dedication of you, your children and our amazing staff.

Looking ahead, as routines are established and students are more familiar with navigating Schoology, there will be less direct screen time throughout the day. We recognize that the first couple weeks have been a lot of screen time but this was primarily for the teachers to establish norms and routines. This is much like the beginning of a “normal” school year. The teacher spends a lot of time establishing expectations and then slowly transitions to whole group, small group and independent instruction. As we move forward the same will be happening but virtually.

Students will start being called in this week (no more than three to a teacher) to be given their usual fall assessments. Next week, students will start being called in for learning labs in the afternoon. Again this will be no more than three students per teacher. More information will be provided later in the week.

Thank you for your dedication and your relationship with us.

As always, if you have a question, comment, concern or need do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Tynan

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