
Please support Dearborn’s Mask Up Initiative

Dear parents,

While we are continuing to learn online, we want to assure the community that we are working and planning for the day we can return students to face-to-face learning in our building.  

You have a critical part to play in that plan.

Please help slow the spread of the virus by doing your part to stay safe and teaching your kids to do the same.

  • Wear face masks out in public
  • Avoid large social gatherings
  • Social distance
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often
  • Stay home if you don’t feel well
  • Get tested if you think you may have been exposed to the virus

I know many of you are frustrated with so much about the current situation.  We are too.  But working together, we can make things better and hopefully get kids back in school sooner instead of later.  You may be getting tired of them, but we really do miss your kids!

Please help us help them.

Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing you (behind a mask and from a distance) back at our school soon.

Spread the word by sharing your #MaskUpDearborn photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter! #MaskUpDearborn

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