
PTA is still happening

If you have not joined PTA yet this year, please consider becoming a member. Your support is truly appreciated.

Membership – $10/person $15 for family

We have busy lives which is why you are not obligated to commit your time as a volunteer, but we would love to have you at the events you can help with. The memories are irreplaceable.

EASY membership signup! Just visit our Nowlin PTA store in just a few simple clicks you are all done!

  • Get Connected

There is no better way to know what is happening in your school and be updated about very important information about our children’s education and Nowlin Elementary event. Especially with our current situation dealing with COVID-19, it is more important than ever that we are informed as parents and educators. Come help us to work hand in hand with our Nowlin family to make our 2020/2021 school year as safe and close to normal as possible.

  • Discover Great Resources

The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students. The PTA strives to enrich our children’s lives in many areas in a fun and adventurous way. 

  • Tap into a Network

PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences.

  • Watch Yourself Grow

By volunteering with your PTA, you put your skills and hobbies to use for a noble cause—your child and all children in the community.

  • Speak Up

PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at your child’s school. With your very small membership fee of $10/person and $15 for the family membership, you will be a voting member in all PTA business. A platform where all members’ voices can be heard. 

  • Witness Improvement

By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. The  PTA plays an important role by supporting improvements through advocacy and play an important role in fundraising for curriculum-based programs and social events.

  • Be a Role Model

By becoming a PTA member, you will be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education. 

  • Enjoy Substantial Benefits

Individuals and local units can take advantage of a host of benefits from PTA membership including discounts and offers from member benefits providers and sponsors – our goal is to support our children and our local community. 

This is only a short list of the many benefits you will do for your child and their school by joining Nowlin PTA.

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