
Message from the PTA

Hello Nowlin Families!

Each year at the Book Fair we give parents the opportunities to support their teachers by buying books or donating money and this year is no different! (Well…it’s 2021…it’s a little different…) Some of our teachers have listed some books they would like to have for their classroom and some have set up e-wallets that you are able to donate money to which will allow them to make the purchases themselves and have the books shipped to their home.  Either way, I know the teachers will appreciate it!

If you want to donate to your child’s teachers, you have two choices.  Click on the following link that will take you to the teacher’s wishlists:

1. Purchase a book from your teacher’s wishlist (or your own choice) and when we return to school have your child bring that book to class.  You could even write a fun message on the inside of the cover so your teacher will always know where the book came from. 
2. Donate to your teacher’s e-wallet.  Click on your teacher’s e-wallet link and add any amount of money to their e-wallet.  At the end of the fair teachers will be able to make their purchases from the money donated to their e-wallets.  Teachers will have the books delivered directly to their doorstep.

If your child’s teacher hasn’t listed any wishes or created an e-wallet, please reach out to them privately.  They can let you know the best way to donate to their classroom!

If you have any questions about either of these choices, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the PTA! Let’s show our teachers some love and bless them with the gift of reading!

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