
Now’s The Time For PTA Board Nominations

Good afternoon,

We need your help!!!!!

It is hard to believe but it’s time for our PTA nominations and elections to be held. You can nominate yourself or someone else you think would be interested in the job. All nominations are due by June 1st and the election will be on June 7th.

Nominate here-

Even in the tough conditions of this year and limited fundraising options, our awesome board has been able to buy the little lending library in front of the building, support field day, continue the camp accounts for every class, purchased multiple books for gifts for every student at Nowlin and in our VLP program, planned and held a virtual STEAM Night with 3 other elementary schools, and ran a Teacher Appreciation Week for our wonderful staff. Since this year’s 5th graders didn’t get to go to camp we arranged for a special day with tons of new field day equipment the 5th graders alone will enjoy and then the equipment will be donated to Mr. V for use by all students. If we were able to accomplish all this during a pandemic year, imagine what we can do when we all work together next year!! Please sign up today to help.

Nominate here-

Your Nowlin PTA

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