
Reminder OPEN HOUSE Tonight 6-7:30

Good morning,

Just wanted to remind everyone that our Open House is tonight from 6pm-7:30pm.

Due to Covid and Social Distancing, we will be hosting the Open House a little differently and even more relaxed.

The meetings will take place outdoors.

The meetings with teachers will be conversational and an opportunity to strengthen the rapport with your child’s teacher.

The areas to meet are the same as enter/exit.  Abou-Arab, Najm, Doyle by the front doors; Tatta, Hawkins, Faletti on the side near the Upper El playground, Golec and Casados by K door, ASD on the side near the blacktop. Special Teachers will be roaming.

Kona Ice will be out front and available for purchase.

Dr. Tynan

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