
10/18 no further action needed

Good morning,

Please see notice about a confirmed covid case on 10/18. If you have not been contacted then you are not considered a close contact. 

Additionally, we do not share information in regards to who has covid as it is a medical issue. We do share the students name with the immediate teacher to assist us with contact tracing. The expectation is that the teacher would keep that information confidential. Besides that the information is shared with the school nurse, secretary, district rep and myself.

What is contact tracing? We quarantine anyone who is within 3 feet of the infected person for more than 15 minutes. 

What is the time frame of contract tracing? 48 hours from when symptoms start. (ex, symptoms present on Wednesday, we trace back to Monday)

What is an example of 3 feet? 3 floor tiles.

Who else gets notified? We let those within 3-6 feet know to watch for symptoms. 

There are 3 options for those quarantined:

1. Test daily for seven days while continuing to come to school as long as tests are negative and student is symptom free. Negative test must have been done within 24 hours, so between leaving and returning to school each day. Only available for exposures at school.
2. Quarantine seven days with a negative test on day six or seven. Return to school on day 8.
3. Quarantine for 10 days without testing. Monitor for symptoms for 14 days and stay home and get tested if symptoms develop.

For more information please visit the Dearborn School Site: Virus Information


Dr. Tynan

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