
Free Thermometer

Nowlin was lucky enough to pair with Lysol and the Fluensy program to provide all staff and families with a free digital thermometer this year. Flyers will be coming home in the next few days. If you follow the directions and connect to Nowlin, a really nice digital thermometer will be sent to the school for you. They only ship in sets of 25 so teachers and families can all download the app and join at no cost to get the Kinsa Thermometer. As they ship out sets on 25, we will distribute. Let’s all join to ensure we are able to get the thermometer to help monitor our family’s symptoms during cold and flu season. Thanks again to Lysol and Kinsa for accepting our grant request for all staff and families. Here is the flyer digitally if you lose the printed flyer or it doesn’t show up for whatever reason.

Free Thermometer Flyer

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