
Ms. Najm is transitioning to a new role

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

I am writing to you to inform you that Ms. Najm will be transitioning to a new role for the second semester. Her new assignment begins on Wednesday (1/26). While we are very excited for Ms. Najm to have the opportunity to display her leadership ability within the district, it does mean that your students will have a new teacher. The opportunity for Ms. Najm is definitely a gain for Dearborn Public Schools but a loss for the Nowlin community. 

Ms. Hamouda will be taking over for Ms. Najm’s class while she is away at her new position. Ms. Hamouda has shadowed Ms. Najm and has worked very closely with her in regards to the classroom expectations (both behavioral and academic). The relationship established between Ms. Hamouda and Ms. Najm will help ensure that the transition is successful. Additionally, we have realigned support staff to support Ms. Hamouda. This added layer of support will also ensure success for the students. 

Please help us give a warm welcome to Ms. Hamouda!!

Lastly, once again, congratulations to Ms. Najm on her new venture.


Dr. Tynan

Nowlin, Principal

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