
Nowlin Reminders

  • As the school year is progressing and the weather is transitioning, we kindly remind parents to ensure that their children are dressed appropriately for the colder temperatures when coming to school. The guidelines we use to determine if students will go outside for recess or have inside line-up for arrival are a combined temperature and wind-chill of below 20 degrees. Therefore, if the weather is below 20 degrees, students will remain inside for recess and we will allow students to line up inside the building starting at 8:50 AM.  Also, please remember for breakfast, students may enter the building through the Main Office doors no earlier than 8:40 AM.
  • All volunteers must have an iChat. Please fill one out if you haven’t. They are valid for three years.
  • Please call the attendance line if your child will be absent at 313-827-6901 (24 hour message system) or enter it in Parent Connect. The first bell is at 9:00 am and the tardy bell is at 9:05 am.  Instruction begins at 9:05 am and students coming in late disrupts the flow. Your child’s presence directly impacts their social, emotional, and academic growth and success. We kindly ask that you also refrain from signing your child out past 3:30 unless it is urgent. If you need to sign your child out for a doctor’s appointment, please contact the school in the morning and inform the office/teacher so we are prepared.

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