Dear Parent or Guardian,
Welcome to the Summer Discovery Program at Whitmore-Bolles Elementary School. My name is Marwan Salamey, and I will be your child’s summer school administrator. I am excited and looking forward to what I know will be an engaging program with outstanding teachers and students. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
This letter is to confirm that your child is enrolled in the Whitmore-Bolles Summer Discovery Program for 2024.
The program will run from 6/12/2024 to 7/24/2024, from 8:00-2:30 PM.
Week 1 – June 12th-14th (3 days)
Week 2 – June 19th-21st (3 days)
Week 3 – June 24th-June 28th (5 days)
Week 4 – July 1st-July 3rd (3 days)
Week 5 – July 8th-July 11th (4 days)
Week 6 – July 15th-July 18th (4 days)
Week 7 – July 22nd-July 24th (3 days)
Important Information:
- Teacher assignments will be posted on the doors in the back of the school at Mission Point, Door #9.
- For student drop-off and pick-up, please use the Notre Dame St. doors located at the back of the school. Students should enter through Mission Point, Door #9. All other doors will be locked.
- Drop-off will be between 8:00 and 8:15 AM, with breakfast available during that time only. Pick-up is at 2:30 PM. Your attention to timely pick-ups is greatly appreciated.
- If you are registered for the after-school childcare program from 2:30-4:00 PM, please be aware that no bus service will be provided.
- Students will have breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria.
- Please be sure to send a water bottle with your child to school.
- Please discuss with your child that good model behavior is critical. Students who misbehave and impede the learning process will be dropped from the program.
Thank you,
Marwan Salamey- Summer Discovery Principal