

Positive Behavior Intervention Support

Welcome parents and caregivers! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about PBIS and how you can support your child in school.

The purpose of the commitment to PBIS at Nowlin Elementary School is to help create a climate of cooperation, academic excellence, mutual respect, and safety.

Nowlin Elementary provides a positive, innovative learning environment where staff, parents, and community members work together to prepare students for the future. The faculty and staff at Nowlin are committed to implementing research-based strategies and practices to meet the needs of students.

What does Schoolwide PBIS mean?

Our goal is to help each child develop self-discipline. Together the home and school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers, and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment. The PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) program is based upon our philosophy of recognizing positive contributions of students.

PBS means that teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff are going to take responsibility to TEACH positive behavior expectations to students.

PBS means that students will know exactly what is expected of them. Students who take responsibility to behave positively will be recognized and rewarded in a variety of ways. Students will also know exactly what consequences will result when they choose not to meet the schoolwide expectations.

The success of our plan will improve with time and with the participation of our families. Research shows us that school behavior plans that are followed in the home greatly improve their effectiveness in the school.

Our plan will focus on three areas: Respect – Responsibility- Safety

We appreciate your support and cooperation and look forward to a successful year at Nowlin Elementary.


Download our PBIS Behavior Expectations Matrix

Download our PBIS Control Tower Flow Chart

Download our Social Skills Kick-off Schedule

Download our Monthly Reward Schedule


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