
PTO Information

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Your Nowlin Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization is a group made up of dedicated school parents, teachers, and administrators whose main objective is to oversee all needs of the school and its students. Nowlin PTO promotes volunteerism and helps raise funds to provide a wide range of enrichment programs like field trips, school assemblies, supplemental educational programs, technology, and classroom supplies. We also provide fun activities for students and their families throughout the year.

Below is our current executive board. Please contact anyone of us for more information on how to become an active member in your child’s PTO.

President Ms. Cruise-Crawford
VP Ms. Ewert
Treasurer Ms. Wooley
Teacher Liason      Mr. Hawkins and Ms. Habhab
 Principal Dr. Joshua Tynan
Scholastic Chair Ms. Wilkes and Ms. Karmann
Fundraising Chair Ms. Tannus

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