
Coronavirus Update

Good Morning Nowlin Parent(s),

I hope you are well and enjoying the true madness of March. With the latest COVID-19 pandemic now infiltrating Michigan it is best we don’t pay attention to the many misnomers floating around social media, but instead educate ourselves regarding the science behind the virus. Please access the Wayne County Health Department at the following URL for the most up to date information:

You can also access previous posts in regards to the Coronavirus that provides a plethora of information.

We need to maintain vigilance and promote regular and effective hygiene habits with our students and throughout the community. Modeling and educating our students and parents whenever and wherever possible will help prevent the spread of ALL communicable diseases.  Our community must join together and maintain a sense of urgency, heightened awareness, calmness and rational thinking.

When children and adults within the home become sick please seek medical attention from a healthcare provider and do not send sick students to school. 

Wash hands regularly with soap and water throughout the day, before and after meals. 

The COVID-19 is not an ordinary scenario and should not be treated as such. There will be measures taken we may not necessarily agree with, but must do what is necessary to preserve a safe, healthy and prospering school environment. Every precaution will be taken at the school level to ensure daily disinfection of all learning spaces is maintained at the highest possible standard.  As with every situation we will look to the experts for guidance and next steps.  I will continue to provide updates as they become available and want to thank everyone in advance for the continued teamwork and proactive approach to tackling this challenge together. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Dr. Tynan

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