
Monday’s post

Good morning,

I hope this blog post finds you and your family well. A few quick business related items and then a brief monologue from myself.

  • This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. I’m sure the teachers would love to hear from you.
  • Kindergarten packets are being sent home today for incoming Kindergarteners. A blog post and video will be uploaded on Friday specific to Kindergarten enrollment and Nowlin. If you know of any incoming families please be sure to spread the word.
  • Math books will be laid out tomorrow for Ms. Casados, Ms. Golec, and Ms. Najm. The books will be on a table outside the front of the building from 12-2.
  • Along with the math books for those classes, paper, pencils, and crayons will be set out during that time for those in need.
  • Breakfast and Lunch are still available for pick up at OL Smith on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Similar to your family, we too are going through the process here at our house. I am frequently reminded of a saying that I learned a long time ago, “you can make the plans but not plan the outcome”. Between Henry and the Coronavirus no truer words have been spoken. Nonetheless, we move forward. What we struggle with at this time is the question of “are we taking it too serious?” I don’t have the answer for that but I thought I would share a brief video that my mother recently posted as she had the virus and thankfully came out okay but it was definitely an added stress and fear and added confirmation of taking safety precautions. I am certain, at this point, we all know someone who has had it some faired better than others. Someday this will be over and I’ll be back to complaining about the weather but until then I trudge forward.

Lastly, here is a video that made me feel good. I enjoy Dave Grohl. He always seems to be in a good mood and brings his own meat smoker with him wherever he goes.


Dr. Tynan

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