
The week ahead

Good morning,

I hope this blog post finds you and your family well. If your household is anything like mine, this weekend was filled with trying to get the last bit of summer in while feeling anxious and confused about the coming school year. Do not worry, obviously you are not alone. Thousands of families across the state are going through the same feelings.

By now all families should have had contact with their teacher, if for some reason that has not happened, I sincerely apologize and please contact the school. There were a couple glitches with contact as we may not have the most current phone number on record.

Tomorrow is the official start of our school year. The week ahead will be lighter and half days. The school day is 8:50-12:00. Tomorrow and the week ahead will not be a tight time schedule. Students will be contacted with an assignment for tomorrow. Please utilize the time tomorrow getting familiar with Schoology, reaching out to the classroom teacher, and reading blog updates. You can access this site, , for a brief introduction into Schoology. Teachers will also be helping students and parents navigate the new platform.

  • Schoology will be available for students Monday morning. They will sign in using Google (Dearborn Account)
  • To sign into a Chromebook, students use their district credentials: – User Name = Student Number- Password = whatever they set it as last year, we did NOT change any passwords. New students will have their passwords set to their birthday (MMDDYYYY) as per MiStar.
  • Students can access Schoology from the Student Portal on the district web site (Staff can use the Staff Portal). 
  • Students using district issued Chromebooks will have two tabs open upon start up, the district student portal page AND the Schoology page.

Please be patient as we roll out everything.

We are excited to have a nontraditional successful year with you and your child.

Dr. Tynan

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