
A little more information

Good morning,

I hope this blog post finds you and your family doing well. We have had a very busy two days around here. It has been wonderful seeing so many families arrive and meet with their child’s teacher. It truly felt like a little bit or normalcy. It really was a joy seeing everyone.

We have passed out a lot of chromebooks the last couple of weeks and the last couple of days. Hopefully, most everyone is now ready for the online learning to begin. If you are still having trouble navigating the world of remote learning do not worry. You are not alone. Myself and the teachers are here to assist. Going forward the teachers will continue to offer times that you are able to come in and receive technical support. We are all here to help.

In case you are still wondering what the school day and year ahead is like, I have included a brief powerpoint below. It provides a light overview of the school day and what lies ahead.

I look forward to our year together.

Dr. Tynan

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