
Seasons Greetings

Good morning,

I just wanted to take a brief moment and wish everyone a happy, safe and much needed break. I hope that the next two weeks may be filled with laughter and ease. Also, technology free.

I also, as usual, want to thank each of you for assisting us in providing your child with best academic experience that we can offer during this pandemic. Due to your assistance, we have been able to navigate this process with only slight bumps.

In the new year, we will be offering many more opportunities for your child and family such as virtual assemblies, family steam night (I am really excited for this), and of course many more free books.

While the last several months have not been ideal, it has provided our family with the opportunity to engage with loved ones in a way that would not normally have been available. For that I am truly grateful. It has also taught us and our children the power of perseverance and putting one foot in front of the other.

Again, wishing you and your family a safe, relaxing holiday.

Dr. Tynan

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