
Supplies for the classroom

Good afternoon,

Even though you do not know your child’s teacher at this time, here is a general list of supplies needed if you choose to purchase. These lists are only a suggestion. We will have almost everything on the list that your child will need and if we do not then we will purchase the items. The only thing we do not purchase are clorox wipes as we have our own cleaning supplies.

Suggested Supplies

We try to purchase all supplies so that families can spend their money elsewhere, however, we do recognize the joy of walking/riding to school with a new backpack full of supplies on the first day of school.

Additionally, if your child needs a backpack, please do not hesitate to reach out to us as we have several new ones (multiple designs and colors).

Additionally, additionally, we also have lunch boxes.

I look forward to seeing everyone and class lists will be posted on Friday (9/27) after 3 o’clock.

Dr. Tynan

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