
School Closing update

Good morning,

The news of schools closing is a little bit of a surprise but not entirely. We have been actively working on backup plans for the past couple of weeks. As information becomes available I will continue to post.

Here is some basic information:

  • If your student has items that you need to pick up now is the time to come in.
  • If your students teacher has contacted you for physical academic materials to take home. Now is the time to pick them up.
  • At this time, no chromebooks will be sent home. The district is working on a plan for families with limited technology. More information will be provided.
  • Before the teachers leave today, their blogs will be updated with specific instructions on how to keep your students academically engaged. We have made a lot of academic gains this year and do not want to lose them so please check the blogs.
  • Lastly, please be patient while we workout a definitive plan for how to best support your child’s academics.

thank you,

Dr. Tynan

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