
Week Ahead

Good morning,

I hope this blog post finds you and your family well. The long weekend is wrapping up and we are getting our house ready for the school week ahead. I just wanted to send a couple of quick reminders.

  • Starting tomorrow, Tuesday (9/8), school is from 8:55-3:50.
  • Specials (PE, Art, Music, etc.) will begin this week.
  • The teachers have been very busy preparing for your child to have an excellent education, however, please be patient with technology. There will likely be some hiccups with technology on both ends. We will get it worked out and will be available to walk families through any needed tech support.
  • Below is a simple explanation of what to expect your child’s day to be like:

Elementary students will spend the time before lunch (8:55 to 11:45) working on reading and math with their teacher.  This will include a mix of lessons from the teacher, small group work with the teacher, and independent work at home.

After a 40 minute lunch, students will come back for other subjects, mixing in-person lessons with asynchronous (not live) learning for writing, science, social studies, art, music and more.  The afternoons will vary by day.  The last part of the day (1:55 to 3:50) will be used for asynchronous work for most students while teachers reach out for more one-on-one or small groups with students for interventions and monitoring.  This is also the time where some students will be invited to come to their school in person to participate in learning labs.

We look forward to seeing each of you soon (in person and remotely).

Dr. Tynan

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