
Kidada Simmons

5th Grade Promotion Ceremony

Good afternoon, I have been monitoring the weather closely for Friday. We will still hold the promotion ceremony on Friday morning at 10am. Rain or Shine. If it is raining, we will hold the ceremony in the gym with social distance measures in place. Please only two...


Good morning, Chromebooks are still on loan over the summer so that your child can continue with their academic growth over the summer. Chromebooks only need to be returned if you will not be using them, will not be returning to the school, are moving, don't want to...

Summer School Reminder

Good afternoon, Just wanted to send a reminder for all those who signed their child up for Summer School. Summer learning starts on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 and ends on Thursday August 13, 2021  Doors open at 8:40 Monday-Thursday. Breakfast is offered from 8:40-9:00....

Radishes, Radishes, Radishes

Good afternoon, We have some DELICIOUS radishes that are ready for the picking. If you want some radishes all you have to do is come and pluck them with your child so they are a part of the experience. The radishes can be found, in our garden, in bed #7. Again, if you...

PTA Positions Available

The PTA is happy to announce the following positions have been filled for our 2021-22 board: President: Erin Bauer Vice President: Ginger Righetti Bulletin Board Manager: Natalie Palestino-Sanchez However, we are still in need of a few more parents to jump on board....

Snow Mobile Pantry Is Today

The School Food Mobile Program provides nutritious, healthy food for 100 families.   The mobile pantry includes 30 lbs. of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.  Each family also receives healthy recipes and nutrition...

Upcoming events…

Good morning, I just want to update you on a few upcoming events. On June 10th and 11th, we will be hosting a field day for all students. Unfortunately, no volunteers are permitted at this time. The PTA will be providing each student with a Nowlin water bottle and...

Now’s The Time For PTA Board Nominations

Good afternoon, We need your help!!!!! It is hard to believe but it’s time for our PTA nominations and elections to be held. You can nominate yourself or someone else you think would be interested in the job. All nominations are due by June 1st and the election will...

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